Singapore (VNA) - Singapore Airlines (SIA) and itsregional arms SilkAir and Scoot will operate at approximately 7 percent of itsscheduled capacity in August, up from 6 percent this month.
Accordingly, SIA will run more flights on the Singapore-London, Singapore-KualaLumpur and Singapore-Osaka routes.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline is currently flying between Singaporeand 27 cities in 18 countries spread across five regions - South-east Asia,North Asia, South-west Pacific, Europe and the United States.
The carriercancelled 96 percent of its scheduled flights between late March and the end ofMay in response to travel restrictions worldwide and a plunge in demand for airtravel.
Customers who have had their flights cancelled by SIA andSilkAir will be able to either get a refund or flight credits with a bonus.
SIAsaid it will continue to adjust its capacity to meet the demand forinternational air travel.
Ithas slowly increased the number of flights since early June. But a fullrecovery to the level before the pandemic is expected to take years./.