PV GAS issued a tender on April 27 to import LNG for the trial runand commercial operation of Thi Vai LNG warehouse.
And Shell was selected as the supplier for the first imported LNGshipment to the warehouse.
The signing confirmation is a milestone for developing PV GAS and Vietnam’sgas industry. The Thi Vai LNG Warehouse is the largest scale in Vietnamwith a capacity of phase 1 of 1 million tonnes per year, then expanding to3-6 million tonnes.
It can receive LNG vessels of up to 100,000 tonnes of LNG ships,with the main phase 1 facility including LNG storage tanks with a capacityof 180,000 m3 and technological equipment designed according to Vietnamese andinternational standards and regulations.
The system will supply about 1.4 billion m3 of gas to Nhon Trach 3and 4 power plants, industrial customers, and a part of Vietnam's gas shortageafter 2023./.