Dr. Dinh Xuan Thao, Head of the LegislativeResearch Institute said there are as many as 1.65 million homosexualsand bisexuals between the ages of 15 and 59 in Vietnam . Most of themexperience discrimination, prejudice, even violence, and facedisadvantages in education, employment, marriage and healthopportunities.
According to Thao, the 1992Constitution states that all citizens are equal, which means peoplecannot be discriminated against based on their gender or sexualorientation.
However, in reality there are stillgaps in Vietnamese laws and policies that protect the human rights ofthe LGBT community.
The seminar discussedseveral issues, including basic concepts about LGBT; overview of theLGBT community in Vietnam ; trends and social impacts of same sexmarriage; global trends and examples for Vietnam ; the current legalsystem and social views on the issues.
LGBT representatives in Vietnam also shared stories about the discrimination they face in daily life.
National Assembly members and experts suggested recommendations toadjust relevant laws that protect LGBT rights in Vietnam.-VNA