At a regular press conference on October 20 by the municipal steering board for pandemic prevention, control and economic recovery, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Centre for Disease Control (HCDC) Nguyen Hong Tam also said there is not enough information to confirm that the two patients were in contact.
She and the first monkeypox patient in Vietnam, who hasrecovered, lived in the same accommodation in Dubai but in different periods oftime as the latter visited the UAE city between July and September 22.
After first receiving the information about the secondpatient, the HCDC and Tan Son Nhat Airport medical team took her intoquarantine right after her arrival at the airport for testing. She was thentaken to the HCM City Hospital for Tropical Diseases for diagnosis andtreatment. The plane she was on was also disinfected.
According to the official, the municipal options in responseto the virus remain the same, with communications activities intensified toraise public awareness of giving prompt notifications to the authorities whendetecting suspicious symptoms./.