Using the VNREDSat-1 imagery and geographic information system (GIS)application, the project completed digital databases on the ecological, soiland climate conditions of the country and the Tay Nguyen Central Highlands, aswell as a database to calculate greenhouse gas emissions, while setting up mapsfor land cover in Tay Nguyen localities and its changes.
High-resolution images provided by VNDREDSat-1 help improve the accuracy ofland-cover mapping, thus improving the reliability of calculation of thegreenhouse gas emissions in different areas.
Director of the Ozone Layer Protection and Low Carbon Economy DevelopmentCentre under the MoNRE’s Climate Change Department Ha Quang Anh said that alongwith creating a giant stride in technology in Vietnam, the project helpspolicy-makers outline effective measures to mitigate indiscriminate miningexploration, and promote environmental protection.
The project showed that changes in forest reserves, biomass, and land uses havegreat impacts on greenhouse gas emissions in energy and agriculture, 20 percentof which is contributed by deforestation and changes in land use.
The Central Highlands, which accounts for 35.7 percent of the country’s forestareas, absorbs 50 percent of the nation’s total carbon dioxide emissions, theproject reveals./.