Hanoi (VNA) – Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lt.Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh was granted with the Order of Friendship of Russia onSeptember 23 for his contributions to the comprehensive strategic partnershipbetween the two countries.
The award decision by Russian President VladimirPutin was announced at a ceremony at the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre of theVietnamese Ministry of National Defence in Hanoi.
In his speech, Russian Ambassador to VietnamVnukov Konstantin Vasilievich highly valued the two countries’ comprehensivestrategic partnership, of which cooperation in military technique is a keyfield that has constantly been enhanced.
He expressed his belief that as head of theVietnamese sub-committee of the Inter-governmental Coordinating Committee forthe Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre, Vinh will contribute more to thecoordination with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, otherministries and sectors and the Embassy of Russia so that the centre willfurther develop and fulfill the tasks assigned by the two states.
Thanking the Russian State and Government forthe distinction, Vinh noted that over the past almost seven decades, thesolidarity and friendship between the two countries’ militaries and peoples haveremained strong. The Vietnamese people always keep in mind and appreciate thewholehearted, enormous and effective support that the people of the SovietUnion in the past and Russia at present have given to Vietnam’s struggle fornational liberation and development, he stressed.
The official added that over the more than 30years of development, the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre has become aneffective cooperation model in military science-technology and held animportant position the countries’ relations, adding he believes that thecomprehensive strategic partnership, including cooperation in defence andmilitary science-technique, will keep developing.
He also voiced his hope for more support fromthe State and relevant ministries and sectors of Russia so that the centre willobtain more achievements in the time ahead./.