Hanoi (VNA) – The resolution amending and supplementing Resolution No.81/2014/QH13 on the implementation of the Law on the Organisation of People’sCourts sailed through the National Assembly during its seventh session in Hanoion June 10.
Thelegislature decided to supplement Article 1a to Resolution No. 81/2014/QH13prescribing the implementation of Point a, Clause 1, Article 69 of the 2014 Lawon the Organisation of People’s Courts.
Accordingly,between June 10, 2019 and February 1, 2022, the Chief Judge of the SupremePeople’s Court will be allowed to submit proposals for the assignment of judgesof the court to the NA.
TheNA Standing Committee acknowledged that the shortage of human resources for theposition of judge of the Supreme People’s Court is an urgent issue emergingduring the realisation of the Law on the Organisation of People’s Courts.
Ifthe issue is not addressed promptly, it would affect the operation of thecouncil of judges as well as the personnel work of the Supreme People’s Court,it said.
TheCommittee asked the court to intensify personneltraining and planning to ensure human resources for the posts of judge andchief judge in the next period.-VNA