Following is the full text of the Prime Minister’s remarks.
Mr. President,
I applaud the initiative of the UK Government and yourself, Mr. President, tohost this important UNSC open debate on “Addressing climate-related risks tointernational peace and security”. I would like to thank UN Secretary GeneralAntónio Guterres and Chair of the UN Youth Advisory Group Nisreen Elsaim foryour insightful and substantive information and recommendations.
Mr. President,
Earth – our blue planet, and our shared home – is suffering from grievousimpacts of climate change. 2020 was one of the three hottest years in modernhistory, and was faced with the constant and severe aftermaths of floods,droughts, bushfires, rising sea level, and the unprecedented COVID-19 outbreak.
Such calamities have placed great burdens on the political and socio-economiclife of many countries. They have caused unemployment and poverty, affected thelivelihood of hundreds of millions of people, and risked creating instabilitiesor exacerbating present conflicts in many countries and regions, thusthreatening international peace and security. In addition, conflicts andinstabilities would further erode countries’ resilience, and rob them ofvaluable resources that could have been utilised to overcome the challenges ofclimate change.
Therefore, I propose that the UNSC, with its foremost mission being themaintenance of international peace and security, needs to galvanize collectiveand persevering efforts of the international community via the followingmeasures:
First, a comprehensive and balanced approach is necessary in handling theconnections between traditional and non-traditional security challenges,particularly in addressing the root causes of conflicts, such as poverty,inequality, power politics and unilateral interference and coercion. Strictadherence to the UN Charter and international law must truly become a standardof behaviour for countries in international relations.
Second, for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG-2030), the UNFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Paris Agreement(COP-21) to be effectively implemented, the UNSC and the international communityshould allocate greater resources to support developing countries, leastdeveloped countries, small island developing states, and land-locked countriesthat are most detrimentally affected by climate change, and are also lackingexpertise and resources.
Third, I hope that the UNSC will continue to enhance its early warningcapacity, and bolster its role in mediating, preventing and resolving conflictsin all regions, including through enhancing cooperation with regional organisations.
Fourth, in order to harmoniously manage the connection between climate changeand security, it is necessary to continue upholding the principles of respectfor the sovereignty, national ownership and principal responsibilities ofstates. The shared interests of communities and peoples, particularlyvulnerable groups, must be placed at the heart of all national and globalclimate action strategies and plans.
Mr. President,
According to the World Bank, Vietnam is among the six countries most severelyaffected by climate change. Thus, active and effective response to climatechange is both a major guideline and a strong political resolve by theVietnamese Government. Vietnam has made great efforts to fulfil itsinternational commitments on climate change (SDG-2030 and COP-21). In thisconnection, we support all endeavours to address climate-related challenges atthe UNSC and other multilateral forums. I hope that the international communitywill provide Vietnam with further assistance and resources, so that we canbetter fulfil our commitments. Vietnam will work closely with other ASEANmembers and support the cooperation between ASEAN and the UN.
Mr. President,
The world is burdened with the fight against COVID-19. Responding to the appealof the UN Secretary General in “Making peace with nature is the defining taskof the 21st century”, we should take bold actions and enhance internationalunity. I am confident that the “challenges” stemming from climate change can betransformed into “drivers” for change, contributing to fostering a future ofpeace and more sustainable development for next generations.
Thank you./.