The signing marked an important step in strengtheningcooperation between PV GAS and its partners to improve the company’s managementcapacity and advance its position in the LPG market.
To accomplish the retail LPG strategy for the period of2021-2025, which was approved last year, PV GAS and PV GAS LPG arestriving to expand their retail network and distribution channels as wellas enhance business efficiency. During that process, PV GAS and PV GAS LPGworked with JCCP and Hagio Company to conduct research and test the tracking ofLPG cylinders by barcode using the Japanese technology.
Barcode technology has been proven effective throughlong-term use in Japan. This advanced distribution management system willcontribute to supporting PV GAS and PV GAS LPG to improve management capacityand optimise the delivery and receipt of LPG cylinders, reduce operating costs./.