Power production and distribution camesecond with 3.9 billion USD (38.9 percent), followed by real estate with 600million USD, and science-technology nearly 167 million USD.
Statistics of the FIA showed that foreigninvestors pumped 10.13 billion USD in 17 sectors in the three-month period, ayear-on-year increase of 18.5 percent.
Investment licences were granted to 234 newprojects with total registered capital of 7.2 billion USD, rising 30.6 percentagainst the same period last year.
Meanwhile, 161 existing projects added 2.1billion USD to their investment capital, a surge of 97.4 percent compared tothe same time last year.
On the contrary, capital contributions andshares purchases by foreign investors were down 58.8 percent to stand at 805.3million USD./.