The reception took place on the occasion of the VietnamesePM’s trip to Thailand to attend the 8th Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-MekongEconomic Cooperation Strategy Summit (ACMECS 8) and the 9th Cambodia-Laos-Myanmar-VietnamSummit (CLMV 9).
The PM spoke highly of ThaiBev’s purchase of 53.59 percentof stakes in Saigon Beer Alcohol Beverage Corporation (Sabeco) with a value ofnearly 5 billion USD in the largest deal in Asia in late 2017, which wasconducted in an open and transparent manner on the bourse. The event affirmedthe Vietnamese government’s stance on fighting corruption and negativephenomena in the equitisation of State-owned enterprises.
As it is a high-value deal, the Vietnamese governmentsupports ThaiBev’s early joining in Sabeco executive board in line withVietnam’s law, he said, expressing his belief that under the direction ofThaiBev, Sabeco will pay higher taxes to the State, abide by corporateoperation regulations in accordance with Vietnamese law while upholding thevalue of Sabeco brand for the benefit of investors and Vietnamese brand.
The Vietnamese government consistently follows theprinciples of equality, openness and protects legitimate interests ofinvestors, including ThaiBev and Sabeco.
Sirivadhanabhakdi, for his part, thanked the Vietnamesegovernment for supporting ThaiBev in doing business in Vietnam and successfullypurchasing Sabeco stakes in a transparent and open manner.
He said ThaiBev wants to soon run Sabeco and has alreadyprepared high-level personnel and devised a business plan to promote Sabeco’sgrowth.
ThaiBev expects to build Sabeco into the leading beer brandin Vietnam with better quality and various designs, towards bringing moreSabeco products to the world market.
Speaking highly of the Vietnamese government’s managementand policy enforcement, Sirivadhanabhakdi said Vietnam holds the potential ofposting strongest growth in Southeast Asia.
He wished that the government and agencies concerned would clearobstacles regarding taxation and finance for Sabeco.
The corporate leader unveiledthat ThaiBev will continue investing in other fields in Vietnam such as retail,consumer goods to contribute to economic development in the country.-VNA