Hanoi (VNA) – Sen. Lieut. Gen. ToLam, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security, has highlightedPresident Tran Dai Quang’s contributions to the cause of protection of securityand order of Vietnam in an article written in commemoration of the leader.
Minister Lam noted that over his 45-year revolutionarycareer, Tran Dai Quang was entrusted with many important positions by theCommunist Party of Vietnam, the State, the Ministry of Public Security (MoPS),and the people. The positions included Secretary of the Central Public SecurityParty Committee; Minister of Public Security; head of the Steering Committeefor the Central Highlands region; member of the Party Central Committee for the10th, 11th and 12th tenures; member of thePolitburo of the Party Central Committee in the 11th and 12th tenures; President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; Chairman of theNational Defence and Security Council; Commander-in-chief of the people’s armedforces; head of the Central Steering Committee for Judicial Reform; andNational Assembly deputy in the 13th and 14th terms.
With over 43 years serving in the publicsecurity force, including more than 20 years holding important leading andcommanding positions, Tran Dai Quang has always set a bright example of loyaltyto the Party, the Fatherland, and the people, as well as of the resolute combatingspirit and the utmost effort for the noble goals and revolutionary ideal of theParty and for the people’s peace and happiness.
He directed the entire public security force to carryout in-depth, synchronous and comprehensive reform of all aspects of their workand perfect principles, measures, and tactics to fight all types of crime andcriminals. The force has kept sharp lookout for sabotage plots and activitiesof hostile and reactionary organisations, factors that can undermine domesticstability and criminal activities, while foreseeing possible complicatedsituations in order to be proactive in every circumstance. The public securityforce has succeeded in defeating all “peaceful evolution” and overthrowing schemesand activities of hostile and reactionary forces wanting to eradicate theParty’s leadership and the socialist regime in Vietnam.
The public security sector has designed andimplemented effectively plan to ensure absolute safety for important politicalevents, major holidays and international events held in Vietnam; internationaldelegations on visits to Vietnam; activities of Vietnamese Party and Stateleaders in and outside the country; and key political, economic, cultural andsocial works.
Lam added that during his many positions, Quang hasdirected drastic measures to fight all kinds of crime, especially organised,transnational, drug-related, high-tech, and environmental crimes. He alsopromoted the public security sector’s coordination with procuracies and courtsin investigating, prosecuting, and judging major economic and corruption casesand recovering stolen assets, which has been highly valued by the Party andState, as well as winning over the support of the public.
Imbued with ideologies and viewpoints ofMarxism-Leninism, the Party, and the late President Ho Chi Minh on the greatrole of the people, Tran Dai Quang paid special attention to communication andeducation activities to get people from all social stratas to actively engagein preventing and combating crime and law violations. He also considered thepeople as the source of strength and the “All people defend the Fatherland’ssecurity” movement as the basic condition for people to exercise the right tomastery in the safeguarding of security and order.
Tran Dai Quang and the Central Public SecurityParty Committee and the MoPS also took the initiative in expanding the publicsecurity sector’s external relations and cooperation with the security, police,and interior forces of other countries and enhancing the ministry’sparticipation in regional and global security cooperation mechanisms. As aresult, the MoPS now has an important voice in the settlement of internationalissues regarding crime fighting, thereby helping to improve the standing of theVietnamese public security force; ensure national security, social order, andsafety; and develop Vietnam’s friendship and partnership with countries aroundthe world.
Minister Lam said that while holding manyimportant posts, Tran Dai Quang still reserved time and efforts for studyingand developing theories on the people’s public security force. He has authoredhundreds of scientific studies, textbooks, articles, lectures, which, alongwith his viewpoints, directions, and strategic decisions about security andorder, has contributed to perfecting the theoretical system for the publicsecurity force and the teaching materials in institutes and schools of thepeople’s public security sector.
“The life and revolutionary career of PresidentTran Dai Quang – a leader of the Party, State and people, a prominent leaderand commander of the people’s public security force of Vietnam – is an examplefor generations of officers and soldiers of the people’s public security forceto learn and follow,” Minister Lam stressed. –VNA