At the meeting, RoKAmbassador to Vietnam Oh Young-ju said the RoK attaches special importance tothe friendly and cooperative relationship with Vietnam, and has highexpectations of President Phuc’s visit that it would open up new opportunitiesfor bilateral cooperation in various fields, especially a cooperation frameworkfor a mineral supply chain.
Participants sharedthe view that the Vietnam-RoK strategic cooperative partnership is developingstrongly, and people-to-people exchanges are also flourishing, with theVietnam-RoK Friendship Association and RoK-Vietnam Friendship Associationplaying a prominent role.
The representativesfrom the organisations of RoK citizens in Vietnam expressed their hopethat President Phuc and relevant agencies always support theRoK community in Vietnam and further facilitate investment and businessactivities of RoK enterprises in the country.
The Presidentappreciated the role of organisations of RoK citizens in Vietnam in supportingRoK nationals in the country and deepening the friendship and mutualunderstanding between the two peoples.
He affirmed that the Vietnamese State always takes care of and protects thelegitimate rights and interests of the RoK community, as well as creates thebest possible conditions for the community.
The State leader said the great achievements of the Vietnam-RoK bilateralcooperation after 30 years establishing diplomatic relations prove that the twocountries have become very important partners of each other.
However, they still have great potential for expanding cooperation, Phuc said,noting his wish to further promote the bilateral partnership. He asked RoK citizensand enterprises to continue fostering the friendship and cooperation betweenthe RoK and Vietnam./.