Speaking at the event, Director of the Vietnam Department ofPeacekeeping Operations Maj. Gen Hoang Kim Phung said the hospital staff hadunderwent medical, political, military, and technical logistics training.Seventeen out of the total 63 staff members scored over 5.5 in IELTS Englishlanguage test.
The department has worked with international partners andunits concerned to provide intensive training on sorting patients, conducting surgeryin field combat conditions, and dealing with mass injuries.
Paper work is being carried out as scheduled, and detailedplans for goods transportation and delivery along with field surveys have beenmade, he said.
Deputy Defence Minister Sen. Lieut. Gen Nguyen Chi Vinh, whois also head of the steering committee, requested ensuring safety whileoperating the hospital in South Sudan.
He affirmed the ministry’s determination to launch the firstno-plastic waste hospital in all UN peacekeeping missions.
Staff of Vietnam’s Level-2field Hospital No. 2 is scheduled to be sent to South Sudan from November13-26 to assume the tasks their peers of Hospital No.1 are performing withinthe UNpeacekeeping mission inthe African country. /.