The event discussed a plan reviewingthe implementation of the 9th-tenure Politburo’s Resolution No.21-NQ/TW, dated January 20, 2003, on orientations, tasks, and measures forsocio-economic development and defence - security ensuring in the Mekong Deltaduring 2001 - 2010, along with the 11th-tenure Politburo’sConclusion No. 28-KL/TW, dated August 14, 2012, on this issue for 2011 - 2020.
Participants also scrutinised anotherplan reviewing the five-year implementation of the Politburo’s Conclusion No.10-KL/TW, dated December 26, 2016, on the continuation of the implementation of aresolution issued at the 10th-tenure Party Central Committee’s thirdsession on enhancing the Party’s leadership over the fight against corruptionand wastefulness, and the regulations on the settlement of Party organisations andmembers with wrongdoings.
Politburo members shared the view thatmost of the tasks and measures set in Resolution No. 21-NQ/TW have been carriedout effectively, and its targets basically achieved. They agreed torelease a new resolution replacing the previous one, and it will identifyorientations for socio-economic development and defence - security ensuring inthe Mekong Delta for 2030, with a vision to 2045.
Regarding the enforcement of ConclusionNo. 10-KL/TW, officials said the discovery and settlement of corruption and wastefulnesshave received more attention and recorded breakthroughs.
The Politburo assigned the PartyCentral Committee’s Inspection Commission to coordinate with relevant agenciesto submit a proposal to the Politburo and the Party Central Committee on theestablishment of provincial-level steering committees for fighting corruptionand negative phenomena. The commission was also tasked with drafting aParty Central Committee resolution on enhancing the Party’s leadership over theprevention and control of corruption and negative phenomena in the new context.
The Party leader stressed thefight against corruption and negative phenomena is a complicated combat that hasbeen ramped up recently with stronger resolve. Apart from corruption combat, healso pointed out the need for due attention to fighting negative phenomena,with a focus on the degradation of political thought, morality, and lifestyle./.