The Politburo and the Secretariat basicallyagreed on the assessments of the H1 socio-economic situation in a report deliveredby the Government’s Party Civil Affairs Committee.
Accordingly, the macro-economy hasbeen kept stable, inflation under control, major balances guaranteed, and growthpromoting measures carried out strongly.
Thereport highlighted encouraging results in administrative reform; the improvementof the investment and business climate; the acceleration of key and nationallyimportant projects; cultural, social, labour, employment and social securityaffairs; the fight against corruption and negative phenomena; the enhancementof thrift practice and wastefulness prevention; the safeguarding ofindependence, sovereignty and territorial integrity; the maintenance ofpolitical and social stability; along with external relations and internationalintegration.
Italso pointed out that due to various difficulties facing the world economy, theslow recovery of global trade, the increasingly complex geo-political situationand some domestic problems, economic growth has yet to meet expectations, at3.72% in H1. In particular, the industry and construction sector posted slowexpansion while others witnessed declines.
Meanwhile,administrative procedures in some sectors remain cumbersome and complicated;several mechanisms, policies and legal regulations still overlapping andinconsistent; the shortages of electricity and medical supplies yet to besolved thoroughly; and there are latent security risks, especially in terms ofcyber security, drug crime and “black credit”, in some areas.
Basicallyagreeing on the tasks and measures set for H2, the Politburo requested stayingsteadfast in the target of maintaining macro-economic stability, controllinginflation, boosting growth, and ensuring major balances of the economy.
In particular, it is necessary tokeep a close watch on and issue precise forecasts of the domestic andinternational situations to make timely policy response; continue afocus-driven fiscal policy; give assistance to people and businesses to reduce expensesand facilitate production; and maintain a proactive, flexible, timely, andeffective monetary policy that is closely coordinated with the fiscal policy.
It ordered developing new economic growth drivers; optimising externalresources to promote innovation, digital economy and digital transformation;completing the development strategies and policies for sectors; and finalising thelegal framework for the development of a carbon market.
In addition, the Politburo underlined the need to continue paying attention tosocial security; the labour market; cultural affairs; education; health care;the material and spiritual lives of ethnic minority people; the safeguarding ofindependence, sovereignty, territorial integrity; the maintenance of politicalsecurity and social order and safety; along with diplomatic activities andinternational integration.
The Politburo emphasised the request for further enhancing the fight against corruption and negativephenomena; thrift practice and wastefulness prevention; complaint anddenunciation settlement; and the investigation into the cases monitored by theCentral Steering Committee for Corruption and Negative Phenomena Prevention andControl.
It also asked for increasingcommunications to help strengthen the great national solidarity, businesses andinvestors’ trust, the fight against wrongful and harmful information./.