The event was initiated by Guterres to unify awareness andpromote strong political commitment to climate finance, greenhouse gas emissionreduction and energy transition, in the lead up to the 27th sessionof the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on ClimateChange (COP27) to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt in November.
It is crucial to have a global approach, strengthenedinternational unity and multilateralism, with the UN placed at the centre totackle climate change, Chinh said in the message. A people-wide approach isalso needed in this effort as people remain the heart, subject, resources,motivation and goal of development, he noted, adding that it is particularlyimportant to ensure equality and justice globally and in each country.
He then asked development partners to support Vietnam through technology transfer, financial incentives, personnel training andactive experience sharing, in improving regulatory framework and governance.
It will enable Vietnam to realise the goal of cuttinggreenhouse emission, effectively responding to climate change, ensuring energysecurity, promote sustainable socio-economic development, addressing social securityissues and improving living standards, the leader emphasised.
He also took the occasion to thank international partners,UN bodies and the UN Secretary-General for their cooperation with and support to Vietnamin climate change response, particularly accelerating the talks for theestablishment of a Just Energy Transition Partnership./.