The options were reached after consideration and taking opinionsfrom 14 ministries and sectors.
Under the two options, workers can be absent from work to enjoythe holidays for either seven or nine days depending on the decision.
Eleven out of 14 ministries and sectors, including the MoLISA,chose the first option, absent for seven days. Two others chose being absentfor nine days.
One other department proposed an eight-day holidays.
In the first option, workers will be absent from January 20, 2023to January 26, 2023. The MoLISA believes that the holiday should be not toolong, but workers still have enough time to travel and prepare for Tet.
In the second option, workers will be absent from January 21, 2023to January 29, 2023. The MoLISA assessed that the holidays can create pressureon the transport system as January 21 falls on the last day of the lunar year.
As for workers at non-State sector, the MoLISA proposed enterpriseleaders to consider the holidays based on their real situation, and informtheir employees at least 30 days before the holidays.
As for the New Year Eve’s holiday at the beginning of 2023,workers will have Saturday (December 31), Sunday (January 1) and Monday(January 2) off, said the MoLISA./.