Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - Some 40 percent ofprimary and secondary school students in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City areinactive, a survey by the National Institute of Nutrition revealed.
“They do almost no physical exercise,” Tran KhanhVan, deputy head of the institute’s department of micronutrients, told Kinhte & Do thi (Economic & Urban Affairs) newspaper. “Asub-survey even shows that most of students do not play sports.”
According to Van, the average height ofVietnamese people is less than other countries in the Asia region.
While the average heights of Vietnamese men andwomen are 164cm and 153cm, respectively, the numbers for Japanese adults are172cm for men and 158cm for women.
The country’s average height increased by 1.1cmover the last decade. Over the last 15 years, the average height of Japanesepeople increased by 2.8cm for men and 2.5cm for women.
“It means height does not completely depend ongenes but also on nutrition, environment, psychological issues and fitness,”said Van.
Research by the institute shows that, amongfactors affecting height growth, genetic factors account for only 23 percentwhile fitness and diet make up 20 and 32 percent, respectively.
“Appropriate exercises can help children eatwell, sleep tight, accelerate their physical development and negate geneticdisadvantages,” Van said.
Physical inactivity can lead to serious healthproblems including diabetes, obesity and cancer.
The institute’s research, conducted on more than17,000 people aged at least 25, shows that 25.1 percent suffer cardiovasculardiseases while 16.3 percent are obese.
Vietnam has set a goal to reduce inactivity by10 percent by 2025 and to keep obesity and hypertension under 15 and 30 percent,respectively.
Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Kim Tien stressedthe importance of hygiene, a balanced diet and physical exercise to having ahealthy body.
The Ministry of Health encourages people to domore exercises, quit smoking, limit alcohol intake, reduce sugar and saltintake and eat more fruits and vegetables.
“Children need to exercise to release theirenergy, understand their inner selves and connect with the outer world,” HuongLy, an experienced Montessori teacher in Hanoi told Vietnam News.“Exercises and children are close friends who should not be apart. Exercisesare a joy,” she added.
Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nhasaid the ministry asked schools to ensure all students exercise daily, offerfacilities for physical education and encourage the establishment of sportsclubs.
Achieving 10,000 steps a day is Tien’s simplerecommendation for busy people to keep fit. She also recommends monitoringblood pressure regularly.
“Vietnamese people do not pay much attention tohealthcare at a young age even though up to 70 percent of deaths are related tonon-infectious diseases which are caused by inactive lifestyles,” she said.
According to Ly, children living in urban areasdo not have many safe playgrounds or open spaces to participate in outdooractivities. Parents’ fears about safety also contribute to their children’sinactivity.
By using smartphones as babysitters, parentsprevent their children from developing healthily and happily. Ly recommendsparents become role models by creating opportunities to do exercises with theirchildren.
“If your house is too tiny for kids to runaround, a weekend trip to a park or a mountain is ideal for the whole family tobreathe fresh air, be more active and get close to each other,” Ly said.
“Small kids should be told about how exerciseshelp them feel happier and more comfortable,” she said. “Adolescents,meanwhile, should learn about how their immune system improves, their musclesbuild and their energy grows by working out.”
Parents can also motivate their children bytelling them about the benefits of physical training and setting realisticgoals for them to achieve.
“It may be as easy as running 10km in a month,”she said.-VNS/VNA