Phu Tho (VNA) – The People’s Courtof northern Phu Tho province on June 15 sentenced three men to death andanother to life in jail for trafficking 300 heroin bricks in the province’slargest-ever narcotics case in terms of drug quantity.
The smuggling ring was broken in Viet Tricity, Phu Tho when police caught four ethnic minority men hiding 300 heroine bricksinside five 30-litre plastic cans in two cars at 23:00 pm on November 26 lastyear.
They are Vang A Cang, born in 1974; Vang ADu, born in 1990; Mua A Sau, born in 1986; Mua A La, born in 1973, all from MocChau district, northern Son La province, who admitted they had purchased thedrugs in Son La and were going to sell them.
The police also seized the two cars they usedfor transporting the heroin, five cellphones and 8 million VND in cash.
Most of the defendants are repeat offendersand their acts are dangerous to society, the provincial People’s Procuracy saidbefore the court declared the convictions.
A brick of heroin is equivalent to around 350grams.-VNA