Constant endeavourthroughout 60 years of development
Developing and applying science and technology arean ongoing task for PetroVietnam, as assigned by the Party and the Government.
The Politburo issued Resolution No 41-NQ/TW,dated July 23, 2015, on the strategy for developing Vietnam’s oil and gasindustry to 2025 and vision to 2035, and Resolution No 55-NQ/TW, dated February11, 2020, on the national energy development strategy to 2030 and vision to2045. Both resolutions stress that PetroVietnam must further apply scientificand technological advances in petroleum exploration as well as the productionand trading of oil and gas, electricity, fertiliser, and new energy such as shaleoil, gas hydrate, and hydrogen gas, so as to guarantee national energysecurity.
The group’s development strategy also emphasisesthe overall goal of building strong scientific and technological capacity by adoptingbreakthrough solutions, which is considered a foundation for PetroVietnam toaccelerate its growth and develop sustainably.
Over its 60 years of development, it has worked toimprove its sci-tech development and application capacity, adopted advancedtechniques and technologies, and optimised existing technologies in order to keepup with its counterparts in the region and the world.
The oil and gas sector has received hundreds ofawards for its scientific and technological achievements, including the Ho ChiMinh and State Awards for Science and Technology, and prizes from the VietnamFund for Supporting Technological Creations (VIFOTECH).
This year, the six most outstanding projects in thesector have been nominated for the Ho Chi Minh and State Awards for Science andTechnology by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Among its remarkable science and technologyachievements, the research and construction of oversize and overweight oil and gas facilities at sea have been completedafter 10 years of implementation; the development and application oftechnological solutions to collect, treat, and use associated gas in the fieldsof the Vietnam - Russia joint venture Vietsovpetro and nearby fields have beencarried out continually for 25 years; and sci-tech application solutions tooptimise the Dung Quat Oil Refinery’s production processes have been developedand completed after 12 years.
Momentumand foundation for sustainable development
Science and technology have been applied in all ofPetroVietnam’s production and business endeavours.
The group has been boosting fundamentalresearch, with findings viewed as providing a trustworthy scientific basis thatis key to building its long-term development strategy and the country’seconomic development plans. Fundamental research is also to pave the way for newin-depth studies seeking unconventional gases such as coal gas and gas hydrate.
The successful research, development, proposal,and application of scientific and technological solutions in the oil and gasindustry have not only brought about enormous economic benefits for the countrybut also made significant contributions to oil and gas science in Vietnam andthe world. They are also robust demonstration of the endless creativity of theVietnamese people, including personnel in the oil and gas sector, who are entrustedwith the task of turning the impossible into the possible.
On the occasion of the eighth Vietnam Scienceand Technology Day on May 18, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman ofthe Members’ Council of PetroVietnam Hoang Quoc Vuong sent a letter to collectives,individuals, and those involved in the group’s scientific and technologicalresearch activities. The letter states that, in 2021, the group began toimplement its scientific research plan for the 2021-2025 period, with importantbreakthrough programmes that will provide a foundation for developing keyproducts and services able to compete with rivals in the domestic and globalmarkets.
Vuong also requested that relevant units focus theirresources on carrying out the science and technology plan, and expressed a hopethat the group’s science and technology researchers and managers will exert everyeffort to continually create innovations, seize and apply the achievements ofthe Fourth Industrial Revolution in production and business activities, and devisebreakthrough solutions, thereby contributing to PetroVietnam’s stable andsustainable development./.