Accordingly, the ceiling retail price of RON95 bio-fuel wasraised by 440 VND to 28,430 VND (1.24 USD) per litre, while that of E5 RON92increased by 330 VND to no more than 27,460 VND per litre.
At the same time, the price of diesel was cappedat 25,530 VND per litre, an increase of 180 VND. Kerosene prices remainedunchanged at 23,820 VND per litre.
According to the MoIT, gasoline demand in the second quarterwill reach about 5.2 million sq.m, with supply expected to hit some 6.7 million sq.m.
The total demand for petroleum in the domestic market thisyear is forecast at 20.6 million sq.m./.