The meetingwas a significant event aimed at further strengthening relations among theParties and people of the three countries in the context that the regionand the world continue witnessing complex developments, and all the threeParties and countries are entering a new development period.
The leaders informed one another about thesituation of their respective Parties and countries, particularly the Partybuilding and socio-economic development, and discussed emerging internationaland regional issues as well as the issues of shared concern. They also reviewedthe cooperation outcomes of their Parties and countries while outlining majordirections for the cooperation in different spheres for the time ahead, for thesake of common interests of the countries’ people.
Offeringcongratulations on the important and comprehensive achievements the countrieshave obtained, they noted with satisfaction that the cooperation among thethree countries' Parties and people has been growing intensively andextensively across the board with political relations further enhanced, defence-security ties promoted effectively, and partnerships in economy, culture,science-technique and education recording progress.
The leaders emphasised that the tradition of solidarity andmutual assistance among the countries' Parties and people is a preciousasset, one of the most important factors, and one of the biggest sources ofstrength for each Party and country’s struggle for national liberation and independencein the past, along with national construction and defense at present.
They affirmed thecontinuation of communications and education among the public, especially theyoung, to nurture the relations among Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
They agreed that in the current context, the threeParties and the three countries need to intensify solidarity, coordination andmutual support. They will continue viewing the Parties’ relations as the core anddirection for overall ties among the countries, and consolidate the pillar of defence and security cooperation. The aim is to increase collaboration in external affairs,make breakthroughs in economic links, boost cooperation in culture, education,science and technology.
Other areas of cooperation include tourism and agriculture, reinforced connections among agencies of the three countries’ Parties,States, Fronts, people’s organisations, and localities on the basis of eachside’s potential and strength.
The leaders also agreed tokeep bringing into play the existing cooperation mechanisms and consider theestablishment of some new ones in order to enhance cooperation among theirParties and countries for the sake of the three countries’ people, along withregional and global peace, stability, cooperation, and development./.