He presented the report at the opening sessionof the congress, in Hanoi on January 26.
The overall development goal for the 2021-2025tenure and subsequent years is to improve the Party’s leadership capacity,ruling capacity, and combatant strength; build a clean and comprehensivelystrong Party and political system; enhance the people’s trust in the Party,State, and the socialist regime; inspire aspirations for a prosperous and happycountry and bring into play the will and strength of the great nationalsolidarity in combination with the strength of the era; comprehensively andconcertedly promote reforms, industrialisation, and modernisation; build andfirmly safeguard the Fatherland, maintain a peaceful and stable environment;and strive to turn Vietnam into a socialist-oriented developed country by themid-21st century.
The Political Report identified concrete targetsfor not only the 13th tenure but also the coming decades. Vietnam is to becomea developing country with modernity-oriented industry and move up and out of thelower-middle income level by 2025, a developing country with modern industryand upper-middle incomes by 2030, and a developed country with high incomes by2045.
To achieve these goals, the Political Report setout and specialised reports detailed 12 strategic orientations for nationaldevelopment for 2021-2030. Major ones cover important development issues for thecountry over the next 10 years, including many new and outstanding matters.
They include continuing to strongly reformmindsets, building and concertedly perfecting regulations for sustainablenational development; comprehensively and concertedly completing regulationsfor developing a socialist-oriented market economy; and strongly reforming thegrowth model, restructuring the economy, industrialising and modernising thecountry, paying attention to innovation, stepping up national digitaltransformation, and developing a digital economy and society.
One of the orientations is to createbreakthroughs in the fundamental and comprehensive reform of education andtraining, in science and technology, in the development of high-quality humanresources, in the attraction and use of talent, and in the strong applicationof achievements from the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Another is to develop people comprehensively andnurture an advanced Vietnamese culture deeply imbued with the nationalidentity; manage social development in an effective and strict manner, ensuringsocial and human security; proactively and effectively respond to climatechange, mitigate natural disasters; prevent and fight against diseaseoutbreaks, protect people’s health; and manage and sustainably exploit and usenatural resources, pay heed to environmental protection, and ensure sustainabledevelopment.
The next is to proactively prevent the risk ofwar and conflict soon and from afar; resolutely, persistently, and firmlysafeguard the Fatherland’s independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorialintegrity; ensure national security and social order and safety; and implement aforeign policy of independence, self-reliance, and multilateralisation, diversificationof external relations, and active and proactive international integration in anextensive and effective manner.
One orientation is to practice and broadly bringinto play socialist democracy and the people’s right to mastery and roles, enhancethe people’s trust, and promote social consensus.
Also among the orientations are building andcompleting the socialist law-governed State; building a clean, strong, lean,efficient, and effective political system; pushing ahead with the fight againstcorruption, wastefulness, bureaucracy, and negative phenomena; and continuingto enhance Party building and rectification in a comprehensive manner, inassociation with reforming the Party’s leadership and ruling methods.
The Party General Secretary and State Presidentsaid the Party’s 13th tenure is an extremely important milestone since itserves as the prerequisite for the next tenures to successfully achieve thestrategic national development goals for 2030, with a vision to 2045.
He emphasised the resolve to effectively carryout the tasks and solutions put forth in the documents submitted to the 13thNational Party Congress so as to herald a new development phase for thecountry, with the following focuses:
First, to continue promoting Party building andrectification, and building a law-governed socialist State and a clean andpowerful political system.
Secondly, to strongly and effectively reform thegrowth model; restructure the economy; step up industrialisation andmodernisation on the basis of science and technology, innovation, andhigh-quality human resources; and concertedly build and perfect regulations fordeveloping a full, modern, and integrated socialist-oriented market economy.
Thirdly, to inspire the will and determinationto develop a prosperous and happy country and a powerful, wealthy, andeverlasting nation; and bring into play the cultural value and strength of theVietnamese people in national construction and defence.
Fourthly, to firmly maintain independence andself-reliance; reinforce defence and security strength; improve the quality andeffectiveness of diplomatic activities and international integration;resolutely and persistently safeguard the country’s independence, sovereignty,unity, territorial integrity, seas, islands, and skies; and maintain a peacefuland stable environment for national development.
Fifthly, to bring into play the strength of thegreat national solidarity, socialist democracy, and the people’s right tomastery; increase legislation; and ensure social discipline. And,
Sixthly, to strictly manage and reasonably andeffectively use land and resources; boost environmental protection andimprovements; and proactively and actively carry out climate change adaptationsolutions.
The Party and State leader went on to say thatit is necessary to focus the investment of resources and pay special attentionto leadership and direction over the implementation of those focal tasks andsolutions, in order to create substantive improvements in making the three strategicbreakthroughs put forth by the 11th and 12th national Party congresses andsupplemented by this event.
The first strategic breakthrough is to concertedlycomplete regulations, initially those for developing a socialist-orientedmarket economy; prioritise the concerted and high-quality completion and sound implementationof the legal system, mechanisms, and policies for creating a favourable,healthy, fair, and innovation-facilitating investment and business climate;mobilise, manage, and effectively use every resource, especially land andfinance, for development; boost reasonable and effective decentralisation; andincrease the examination, monitoring, and control of power via useful measures.
The second is to develop human resources,especially high-quality workers; prioritise human resources for leadership andmanagement affairs and key sectors on the basis of improving and makingfundamental, strong, and comprehensive changes in education - training qualityin association with mechanisms for recruiting, using, and treating talent; stepup the research, transfer, application, and development of science -technology; inspire aspirations for a prosperous and happy country as well asthe will to move forward; and uphold the cultural value and strength of theVietnamese people in national construction and defence.
And the last is to build a concerted and moderninfrastructure network in terms of economy, society, environment, defence, andsecurity; prioritise the development of certain national key transportfacilities; adapt to climate change; and pay attention to developinginformation and telecoms infrastructure, creating a foundation for nationaldigital transformation and gradually developing a digital economy andsociety./.