At thepresentation ceremony, Netherlands Ambassador to Vietnam JoopScheffers said the new tulip strain was created by Dutch biologists.
The tulip has tone values of red and yellow, the two colours of Vietnam’s national flag.
Theambassador said the gift was a symbol of the fine traditional relationsbetween the Netherlands and Vietnam and the Netherlands wouldsoon transfer the technology to grow this tulip species to Hanoi .
Onbehalf of Hanoi authorities and people, Vice Chairperson of theMunicipal People’s Committee Ngo Thi Thanh Hang affirmed that the giftwas significant and precious.
She said together with the finecooperation between the countries, the two capital cities – Hanoi andAmsterdam – also enjoyed effective cooperation and exchanges duringpast years.
She took this occasion to present the Dutch Ambassador with two of the latest pictorial books on Thang Long-Hanoi./.