Under the agreement, the Netherlands grants 19.5 million USD (EUR 16.5 million)to the aforesaid project totaling 202.2 million USD (EUR 170 million) in VinhLong city to make the city more climate resilient and to protect its peopleagainst flood risks, she said.
The rest of the amount is covered by the World Bank and by Vinh Long province.The significant amount of Dutch grant, played a crucial role to make theproject possible, added Akkerman.
The Dutch grant will be provided to build a water treatment plant in Vinh Longcity in the Mekong Delta province of Vinh Long.
The water treatment plant is a component of the wider Vinh Long City UrbanDevelopment and Enhanced Climate Resilience Project.
The objective of this project is to improve access to infrastructure andconnectivity and to reduce flood risk in the urban area of Vinh Long city.
The project has the following components: flood risk management andenvironmental sanitation; flood risk mitigation and urban drainage; wastewatercollection and treatment; strategic corridors development; and resettlementarea development.
The Embassy of the Netherlands strongly supports this project as it synergizeswith different core elements of the Strategic Partnership Agreement on ClimateChange Adaptation and Water Management that was signed between the Vietnameseand Netherlands government in 2010.
Vietnam and the Netherlands are both committed to achieve the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) and for that public and private interests oftencoincide, highlighted Ambassador Akkerman./.