HCM City (VNA) – A meeting was held in Ho ChiMinh City on December 26 to review external information work and thedissemination of information about seas, islands, border demarcation, bordermarker planting and land border management in 2017 and set tasks for next year.
According to the Commission for Information andEducation of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, amid complexregional, global and domestic situations in 2017, external information work andthe popularisation of sea and border-related information have been a success.
The dissemination of the Party’s guidelines, theState’s policies and laws, reform achievements, images of Vietnam’s land,culture and people, sea and island issues, border demarcation, border markerplanting and land border management was enhanced.
Meanwhile, information refuting distortedviewpoints was provided proactively, which helped improve Vietnamese people’sawareness support for the Party’s leadership and State policies on thecountry’s important affairs and capitalised on the international community’ssupport.
The commission commended Vietnam News Agency,Vietnam Television, Radio the Voice of Vietnam, Nhan dan (People) newspaper andQuan doi Nhan dan (People’s Army) newspaper for fulfilling their role as keypress agencies in external information work.
Enhanced cooperation and information exchangebetween central and local press outlets, as well as between Vietnamese andforeign press agencies, have also helped report news on Vietnam to the worldand on international issues to the country.
At the meeting, representatives from ministries,sectors, localities and press agencies shared experience in external informationwork and discussed the communication of information about marine sovereigntyprotection, fisheries and fishermen.
Chairman of the Commission for Information andEducation Vo Van Thuong, head of the central steering committee for externalinformation work, asked for more flexibility in the field.
It is necessary to apply IT and modern communicationmethods and provide information in foreign languages. Another critical task isto forecast international and regional developments to serve external informationwork, he added.
At the meeting, the commission presented meritcertificates to 20 agencies and 14 persons with outstanding accomplishments inexternal information work and dissemination of sea- and border-relatedinformation in 2017.-VNA