Hosted by the Vietnam Society of Radiology andNuclear Medicine (VSRNM), the event brought together a c rowd ofdomestic and foreign scientists, experts, lecturers, doctors andtechnicians working in image diagnose, and medical device manufacturersfrom many countries.
Organised annually, the event aims to shareexperience in applying radiation (X-ray) and nuclear medicine in imagediagnosis, health care and treatment, while discussing orientationsfor promoting the use of methods in the future.
Reportspresented at the two-day event focus on specialised fields of radiology and nuclear medicine, neurological and interventional X-ray,and breast and heart image diagnosis.
An exhibition displayinglatest technologies, medicines and devices in the field will beorganised in the framework of the conference.
According toVSRNM President Dr. Pham Minh Thong, efforts made by the nationalmedical sector along with support from its foreign counterparts willhelp better the public health care in the future./.