1. The NA successfully organises fivesessions, including three extraordinary sittings.
In 2023, for the first time in its 78-yearhistory, the legislative body held the largest number of sessions in a yearwith five plenums, including three extraordinary ones (the second, third andfourth) to consider and make decisions on 84 major and important issues, promptlymeeting urgent practical requirements and helping to stabilise anddevelop the country and promote international integration.
2. The draft Land Law (amended) and the draftLaw on Credit Institutions (revised) have yet to be approved.
With 12 million comments from voters andbeing discussed at three NA sessions, the draft Land Law (amended) still has anumber of issues that need to be considered thoroughly. Meanwhile, despite beingscrutinised in two plenums, the draft Law on Credit Institutions (amended)contains some issues with different ideas. Therefore, at its sixth plenarysession, the legislature decided not to pass these two draft laws, because thedifficult laws are involved in many fields and have great impacts on theeconomy and people's lives. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a special andunprecedented process to thoroughly consider all aspects.
3. Approving a resolution on the application of top-up corporate income tax inaccordance with the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules, and decidingon an intention to establish an investment support fund to internalise internationalcommitments and create a favourable business and investment environment tosupport enterprises.
At its sixth plenary session, the NAadopted a resolution on the application of top-up corporate income tax inaccordance with the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules (globalminimum tax); and decided that in 2024, the Government will build a draftdecree on the establishment, management and use of the investment support fundfrom global minimum tax revenue and other legal revenue sources to supportforeign-invested and domestic enterprises.
4. A national-scale conference to implementlaws and resolutions of the 15th National Assembly is held for the first timeto soon bring laws and resolutions into life.
The NA Standing Committee, in collaborationwith the Government, on September 6 held the first national conference on theenforcement of laws and resolutions of the 15th legislature, withthe participation of 2,400 delegates. Specifically, the enforcement of 23 lawsand 28 resolutions passed by the 15th NA from the beginning of thetenure to the fifth plenum was put under assessment.
The Government and the NA StandingCommittee focused on reviewing legal documents in 22 key aspects. The review resultof 523 legal documents, ordinances, and resolutions of the legislature and itsStanding Committee, decrees and decisions of the Prime Minister, and circularsof the Ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies affirms that the legalsystem in general basically ensures concertedness, consensus and feasibility,in accordance with the Party's policies and guidelines, the provisions of theConstitution, and is compatible with international treaties to which Vietnam isa member.
6. The NA’s supervision is strengthenedwith improvements and innovations.
Supervision activities of the legislativebody was strengthened and innovated, showing flexibility and sensitivity tomajor issues emerging in the country's socio-economic life, and winning voters’ applause. For the first time, the results of receiving citizens, and handlingtheir complaints and denunciations were put on table at the hall.
7. Many important policies onsocio-economic affairs and state budget, and decisions on important nationalissues are approved, contributing to promoting economic recovery and creatingresources for sustainable development.
In the year, the NA decided to continue reducingthe value added tax by 2%, and allocating more than 100 trillionVND (4.1 billion USD) left from the medium-term public investment plan of thecentral budget in the 2021-2025 period, the socio-economic recovery anddevelopment programme, and the national target programmes to ministries and centraland local agencies to add more capital to the economy.
8. The ninth Global Conference of YoungParliamentarians is a highlight in the most exciting year of parliamentarydiplomacy since the beginning of the term.
The ninth Global Conference of YoungParliamentarians was successfully held under the theme of “The Role of YoungPeople in Promoting the Realisation of Sustainable Development Goals via DigitalTransformation and Innovations”, with the participation of 500 domestic andinternational delegates.
9. The first Dien Hong Awards – thenational press award on the National Assembly (NA) and People’s Councils – is organised.
The first Dien Hong Awards saw thesubmission of 3,328 works by 171 press agencies in Vietnam and abroad and sevenoffices of the NA delegations and People's Councils.
10. The "Children's NationalAssembly" hypothetical session is held for the first time.
The first "Children's NationalAssembly" mock session was jointly held by the Ho Chi Minh Communist YouthUnion Central Committee and the Central Council of the Ho Chi Minh VanguardChildren's Union in coordination with the NA Committee for Culture and Educationand NA Office in September. This was one of the impressive events of the 15th NationalAssembly and will continue to be held regularly to promote children’s right toparticipate in socio-political activities, contributing to ensuring theirrights and interests in accordance with the Party's guidelines and the State'spolicies and laws on children./.