Hanoi (VNA) – The National Assembly deputies voted to adopt aresolution on the 2019 socio-economic development plan, putting forth a GDPgrowth of 6.6-6.8 percent for the year during their on-going sixth session inHanoi on November 8.
The resolution looks to a CPI growth of 4 percent; an import-export value expansionof 7-8 percent; a trade gap accounting for under 3 percent of the export value;and total investment for social development making up 33-34 percent of GDP.
The percentage of poor households as classified by the multidimensionalapproach will be cut by 1-1.5 percent while the unemployment rate in urbanareas will be reduced to below 4 percent, and the percentage of trainedlabourers will reach 60-62 percent of the workforce.
The resolution also targets 27 patient beds per 10,000 people, healthinsurance coverage hitting 88.1 percent of the population, 89 percent ofoperating industrial and processing zones to have concentrated wastewatertreatment systems, and forest coverage meeting 41.85 percent.-VNA