Those debated at the session are urgent, strategicand long-term matters, meeting the aspirations of voters and people nationwide,according to the resolution.
Deputies and ministers showed their sense ofresponsibility, the document said, noting that the ministers gave explanationson various issues, including persistent problems, pointed out reasons behindand proposed specific, feasible solutions to them.
Deputy Prime Ministers and the Ministers of Finance,Agriculture and Rural Development, Public Security and Justice fielded questionsat the session.
The NA Standing Committee asked the Government, thePM, ministers and heads of ministerial-agencies to focus on major tasks andsolutions in order to create significant changes in State management in the debatedareas.
For industry and trade, it ordered specific, clearscenarios and drastic measures to ensure energy safety and security, and thebalance of oil and gas supply-demand in any circumstances, as well ascomprehensive solutions to quickly handle obstacles to the operation of NghiSon Oil Refinery.
The committee also asked for the betterimplementation of the legislature’s resolutions in market management and anti-smuggling,the enhancement of international cooperation in trade, higher quality of exports,and the diversification of consumption markets, especially those for farmproduce.
In natural resources and environment, it said the dossiersof the revised Land Law and relevant laws should be completed soon forsubmission to the NA to closely manage and effectively use land resources.
The committee also emphasised the need to wellimplement the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection, closely control the dischargeof waste water, emissions and industrial solid waste, and approve the planningscheme on protecting the national environment in 2022./.