Opening the session, NA Chairman VuongDinh Hue said six draft laws will be tabled for discussion for the first timeat this session, which are important to the completion of the legal system andensuring the system’s consistency, as well as to the implementation of thecountry’s commitments under signed new generation free trade agreements likeCPTPP and EVFTA.
The NA Standing Committee will alsoperform its supervision function through examining reports on the enforcementof the Constitution, laws and NA resolution, the implementation of the NationalTarget Programme on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainousregions in 2021-2030.
The committee will give opinions on adetailed plan on thematic supervision of the National Assembly and the NAStanding Committee in 2022.
Several measures regarding tax reductionand exemption to support enterprises and citizens affected by the COVID-19pandemic will be submitted to the committee for considering and approvingduring this session.
After the opening, the committee scrutinisedthe draft law on insurance business (revised)./.