Presenting the Government’s proposal on the bill, DeputyMinister of Information and Communications Pham Duc Long said that the law aimsto create favourable conditions for the effective mobilisation, distributionand use of radio frequencies and satellite orbits, and ensure that the Law onRadio Frequencies matches relevant international laws and conventions.
The bill supplements two articles of the existing law and makes adjustments to 15 others, Long said.
Representing the verification agency, Chairman of the NACommittee for Science, Technology and Environment Le Quang Huy said thatcontents of the bill are in line with regulations of the Constitution 2013,ensuring its coherence with relevant international laws and conventions inwhich Vietnam is a member.
Huy suggested that regulations on the limit of total bandwidth for each organisation/enterprise should be added to the bill to prevent the monopoly, inefficient use, and wasteof frequency resources.
However, some members of the NA Standing Committee held thatthe limitation may affect businesses’ market development activities as well asthe rights of consumers.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue underlined that radio frequencies are national property that have a rising value, especially during the FourthIndustrial Revolution. He stressed the need for strict, open and transparentmanagement of radio frequencies to optimise its values in socio-economic development,security and defence.
Regarding the limit in the total bandwidth that an organisationor business is allowed to use, the NA leader said that it is necessary toclarify the principles and criteria of frequency allocation to ensure equalityand transparency, thus encouraging competition and avoiding waste in nationalresources.
Members of the committee also discussed a number of importantissues of the bill, including the method of granting radio frequency use licences,and radio frequency allocation planning and bidding./.