The making of the draft law aims to institutionalise theParty’s policies; address shortcomings and limitations of the existing law,deal with newly arising issues to increase the quality of medicalservices towards fairness, quality, effectiveness, development andinternational integration; and strengthen the validity, efficiency, order anddiscipline of State management over health check-ups and treatment.
The draft law includes 10 chapters and 102 articles, onechapter more than the existing one.
In the afternoon session, the National Assembly will cast voteon a Resolution on the Law and Ordinance Building Programme in 2023 and theadjustment of the Law and Ordinance Building Programme in 2022.
The deputies then will discuss in the hall the draft Law onInspection (amended).
It includes eight chapters and 116 articles, in which 61 areadded, 41 revised and 24 removed compared to the 2010 one./.