Hanoi (VNA) – National Assembly (NA) ChairwomanNguyen Thi Kim Ngan met with visiting Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith inHanoi on October 2.
The NA leader showed her delight at the good results of theLao PM’s visit, with the release of a Vietnam-Laos Joint Statement onstrengthening the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensivecooperation in the new period, as well as the signing of important documents tofurther foster the bilateral partnership.
She affirmed that the Vietnamese NA always supports andcreates all favourable conditions for the promotion of cooperation between thetwo countries as well as the implementation of signed agreements, whilesupervising the realization of the deals.
Briefing the guest on the outcomes of her recent visit toLaos, she said that she and her Lao counterpart Pany Yathotou discussed anumber of measures to speed up the progress of the Vietnamese-funded Laos NAbuilding project.
For his part, Lao PM Thongloun Sisoulith said that he hadsuccessful talks with Vietnamese PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc. The two sides also signedeight cooperation agreements, he noted.
He proposed that the NAs of Vietnam and Laos strengthen thesupervision of the implementation of collaboration deals reached between thetwo governments.
He said that the two sides will work hard together to implementthe deals, thus creating breakthrough in bilateral partnership, while removingdifficulties and obstacles arising during the cooperation process.
The Lao PM also informed his host that during this visit, hehas met many major firms of Vietnam to listen to their difficulties wheninvesting in Laos in order to seek solutions to them, thus promoting investmentin the country.
He expressed the hope that the second dialogue of Vietnameseand Lao businesses will be held soon, giving him a chance to directly talk toVietnamese firms.
At the meeting, NA Chairwoman Ngan and Lao PM ThonglounSisoulith shared experience on issues related to coordination mechanismsbetween the legislative body and the government, the process of building legaldocuments, the handling of complaints and denouncement, and the relationsbetween provincial People’s Councils and the NA./.