The elections of deputies tothe 15th NA and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 tenureare slated for May 23.
The top legislator said TuyenQuang province has been making good preparations and conforming with relevantlegal regulations, noting that it must ensure absolute safety amid currentcomplex developments of COVID-19.
He requested localauthorities to finish handling complaints and denunciations related to candidates by May 13 whilepromoting IT application during the elections.
As the province is home to alarge number of ethnic minority groups, Hue suggested it consider translatingthe documents related to the elections to the minorities’ languages.
At the working session withprovincial leaders, the NA Chairman also recorded their proposals on publicinvestment.
The same day, the leader,other members of the inspection delegation, and officials of Tuyen Quangprovince also presented gifts to 100 disadvantaged and low-income households incommunes of Son Duong district./.