Hanoi (VNA) – The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committeecontinued its 10th session in Hanoi on October 22, giving opinions on a draftrevised Law on Handling Administrative Violations and a draft Law onInternational Agreement.
In the morning, Hoang Thanh Tung, member of the NA Standing Committee andChairman of the NA’s Committee for Legal Affairs, delivered a report onamendments to the draft revised law on administration violations settlement.
The amended contents include principles to settle administration violations,specific competence in administration violations settlement, maximum fine ofviolations, and making minutes of violations.
In the afternoon, legislators will scrutinise a draft Law on InternationalAgreement after hearing Nguyen Van Giau, member of the NA Standing Committeeand Chairman of the NA’s Committee for External Relations report on reviseddraft.
The law project was discussed at the 46th meeting of the NA StandingCommittee’s 9th session.
Several contents of the revised bill comprise concept of internationalagreements, language of the agreements, signing of international agreements,state management agencies of international agreements, and instruction on thesigning and implementation of the agreements, among others./.