The annual conference provided a unique platform for young members of parliaments to meet, exchange, learn andidentify common and innovative strategies to advance youth empowerment.
This year’s event, whichattracted the participation of around 200 delegates from more than 60 countriesand international organisations, included four sessions aimed at coordinatingparliamentary action to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure thatglobal warming does not exceed 1.5 degree Celsius.
In his opening remarks,Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives Hanafy El Gebali asserted thatyouth empowerment has become a necessity that cannot be ignored.
IPU President Duarte Pacheco emphasised the role youngparliamentarians play in tackling climate change, from participating inlaw-making to supervising the government's implementation of its commitments tocombat climate change.
Lan, who is also deputy head of the group of young deputies of the 15th National Assembly, shared common concernswith other countries about the impacts of climate change. She briefed participantson the efforts of the Vietnamese NA, including young parliamentarians, inresponding to this issue, from promulgating laws to creating a legal corridorfor the Government to implement international commitments on climate change towhich Vietnam is a member.
The legislative body has alsoincreased the allocation of resources to respond to climate change, and carefor vulnerable groups; and affirmed Vietnam's policy to both develop theeconomy to ensure a better life for the people, and contribute responsibly tothe international community.
The Vietnamese delegation’sideas raised at the conference received the attention of the participatingdelegations.
Representatives from several international organisations such asthe Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Foodand Agriculture Organisation (FAO) showed their desire to cooperate withVietnam in ensuring food security, building a green budget and fighting climatechange./.