The top legislator applauded achievements made by Star Telecom in recent times,especially its contribution to the economic development and social well-being of Laos.
He urged the firm to closely combine business operations with economic anddefence diplomacy, and perform its responsibility as a bridge connecting the cooperationbetween the NAs, Governments, and defence ministries of the two countries.
Unitel's leadership in general and each Vietnamese employee in particular must be a cultural ambassador, thus preserving, maintaining and developing thegreat friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, Hue said.
Unitel should pay attention to changes in the newly passed Law on Telecommunications (revised) to adjust collaboration with Laos, he noted,adding that competition must be healthy and in line with the law.
He hoped the firm to pioneer in engaging in the digital transformation in Laos,establish connections with other sectors such as agriculture, energy,transportation, and tourism, and continue social welfare programmes in theSoutheast Asian nation.
According to General Director of Unitel Tran Trong Hung, after more than 14years of operation, Unitel has become the largest telecommunications network inLaos and one of the companies that make the most contribution to the local budget.
Unitel has so far provided jobs for more than 27,000 workers. It has also activelysupported the Lao government in promoting digital transformation and developingan e-government./.