Hanoi (VNA) – The Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC) of Myanmarannounced on July 16 that it had passed 14 basic principles, raising theprinciples agreed by the Government and ethnic armed organisations to 51.
The consensus was made within the framework of the thirdsession of the 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference.
The principles are in connection with political, economic,social, land and environmental issues, according to the UPDJC’s press release.
The six-day third session of the 21st Century Panglong PeaceConference, which kicked off on July 11, attracted the participation ofrepresentatives from the government, the parliament, the military, invitedpolitical parties, ethnic armed organisations and civil society.
It aimed to unite with all ethnic nationalities and build ademocratic federal union through dialogue.
Basic principles of equality and non-secession from theunion will be reviewed as a topic for the next conference.
After the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord was reached in 2015,the Myanmar Government held two sessions of the 21st Century Panglong PeaceConference. In August 2016 and May 2017. At the second meeting, an initial of37 basic principles for establishing federalism under the NCA was approved.-VNA