According to official reports onApril 24, present at the dialogue were representatives of some signatory armedgroups to the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA), including Pa-O National LiberationOrganisation (PNLO) and Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) and otherpolitical parties.
On the first day of thedialogue, representatives from the self-administered regions and zones deliveredreports related to politics, economy, land issues and natural resources andenvironmental conservation.
Minister of the StateCounselor's Office U Kyaw Tint Swe called the dialogue “a milestone of thestate" and a step taken by the people of Myanmar toward peace.
Myanmar has been holding region-and race-oriented political dialogue across the nation in southernmostTanintharyi region since January.
The outcome of all regionaldialogues will be submitted to the upcoming second meeting of the Panglong PeaceConference in May. The meeting aims to discuss and seek solutions for peace andreconciliation of the country.-VNA