The MoIT requested EVN list all solar power projects entitled to electricityselling prices under Decision No 13 of the Prime Minister and direct powercorporations and provincial power units to list all rooftop solar power systemswith a capacity of 100kWp or more which have been put into operation and areentitled to the electricity prices under the decision.
The decision in question was issued last April and provides a tariff rate forsolar power considered attractive to investors.
EVN must certify the operating rooftop solar systems which comply withregulations on development and connection to the grid. They also have torecognise the operation date, signing of power purchase agreements and otherlegal regulations in electricity and supply sectors for the list.
Based on the roof solar power list nationwide, EVN must research and proposeeffective solutions to minimise the reduction of overloaded solar power andminimise the economic losses of investors.
The move has been seen as an attempt by the MoIT to improve transparency and tobetter regulate the solar power market, which has seen rapid development inrecent years.
The MoIT also asked EVN to assign a representative to join the ministry’sinspection team to conduct an inspection of solar power development, especiallyrooftop solar power.
EVN was asked to report to MoIT on these issues before March 12.
At the same time, the MoIT asked the People's Committees of provinces andcities to work with departments and agencies to review and evaluate rooftopsolar systems in accordance with the law and their local jurisdiction.
The localities must also list the development of solar power in their areaincluding grid-connected solar power projects and rooftop solar power projectswith a capacity of 100kWp or more./.