“Contractors are allowed to begin construction work only aftertheir occupational safety and health measures are approved,” said DirectiveNo.01/CT-BGTVT.
The inspection of the implementation of approved measures mustalso be strengthened with timely supplements or adjustments when needed, itsaid.
Construction contractors must be suspended if there are anysigns of violations in traffic safety, occupation safety and health, it said.
Noting that despite progress made and improved workplaces forconstruction workers, the ministry said there were still limitations that ledto occupational accidents.
It said the main reason was a lack of awareness frominvestors/project management boards, inspection consultant units, andcontractors.
The ministry noted that warning and prevention measures wereabsent at many construction sites. Workers had limited knowledge and skills andwere still not very proactive in preventing occupational accidents and risks.
The transport ministry requested investors/project managementboards to assign competent staff to oversee management and ensureoccupational safety and health as well as traffic safety measures in accordancewith the law.
Contractors must also conduct technical safety inspections ofmachines, equipment and materials that have strict requirements on occupationalsafety measures in accordance with the law, the directive said, noting thatthey must also be held accountable for environmental protection activities.
The ministry requested supervision contractors to examineconstruction design documents and safety and health measures before submittingthem to the investors for approval.
Supervision contractors must also strengthen the examination workand promptly handle shortcomings on construction sites if any.
Construction contractors must design safety measures and submitthem to a supervision consultant and get approval from investors beforestarting construction work. They must also assign competent staff to carry outoccupational measure management work while organising training for staff andworkers about safety and health measures.
Fencing must be set up throughout the construction time inconstruction sites that are at risk of putting people in danger.
In January this year, a 10-year-old boy died after falling down a35-metre concrete pile at Roc Sen bridge construction site in Phu Loi communeof Dong Thap province./.