Lieut. Gen. To An Xo, the ministry’s spokesman, said investigationagencies have stepped up investigations into economic and corruption cases,especially those under the monitoring of the Central Steering Committee forPrevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena.
More than 1,500 cases with nearly 2,000 peopleinvolved were also found to have infringed upon the economic order inthe first three months, according to the officer.
Competent forces also detected over 8,900 cases related to social order with more than 20,200 individuals arrested, smashed 67 criminal rings and cracked over 1,800 gambling cases, with nearly 9,000 people involved.
Besides, 7,266 drug cases and 10,889 criminals wereuncovered, and nearly 600kg of drugs of all kinds were seized.
Xo said the ministry will speed up investigations and proposeprosecution of some cases under the management of the Central Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena inthe second quarter of this year./.