According to the document, from April 5-11, the countryreported 639 new cases, or around 90 cases a day – a 3.8-fold increase comparedto that of seven day ago. Notably, the number of patients aged above 50accounts for 30.2% of the total cases.
The number of patients hospitalised is also on the rise,while the rate of vaccination in several localities fails to meet set targets.
To prevent the pandemic from breaking out again, the HealthMinistry requested the local People’s Committees to continue directing andstrictly following instructions of the Government and the Prime Minister on theprevention and control of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
More efforts are needed to accelerate the vaccinationprocess, keep a close watch on the pandemic developments, and ready responsemeasures.
Localities are required to direct the organisation ofreceiving, caring for and treating patients, especially high-risk groups suchas pregnant women, people with underlying diseases, and the elderly.
In addition, attention must be paid to raising people's awareness of protecting their health and that of their families andcommunities./.