Speaking at a meeting last week, Prof. Dr. Chau Nguyen Xuan Quang, deputydirector of the Institute of Environment and Natural Resources under the VietnamNational University in Ho Chi Minh City, said that water levels in rivers hadfollowed a downward trend in recent years.
Higher levels of saline intrusion are expected to occur in the region morefrequently, leading to a lack of fresh water.
“The upstream flow towards the Mekong Delta region is decreasing, so salineintrusion will increase,” he said.
Saline intrusion in the region depends on the water source from the upperMekong River, high tides and many other changes.
Floods in the Mekong Delta were the largest in 2011 and they dropped graduallyin the following years with the lowest recorded in 2016, significantlyaffecting agricultural and aquaculture activities and people’s livelihoods.
“Frequent and intense drought has become worse in the region since 2015,” Quangsaid.
Experts have pointed out that in addition to the impact caused by the operationof upstream reservoirs, human exploitation of land and forests in the upstreamhave caused the river to change its flow, causing flood water to flowdownstream much later and lower than before.
Prof. Dr. Chau Nguyen Xuan Quang, deputy director of the Institute ofEnvironment and Natural Resources, said: “Floods are decreasing while droughtsare increasing, affecting the water resources of the region.
“The consequences are unpredictable. Solutions are needed to deal with abnormalfactors from the upstream area.”
Population growth has accelerated urbanisation, while ground subsidence is2-3cm per year, he noted.
Urbanisation has increased over the past 20 years, contributing to globalwarming in the region with the temperature increasing by an average of 1.3 to1.4 degrees Celsius between 1986 and 2014.
It is expected to rise by between 1.9 and 3.5 degrees by 2099.
Factories and industrial zones activities have caused water pollution, whileexcessive exploitation of groundwater is also a factor affecting waterresources.
Sea level rise is another issue, causing saltwater intrusion (could reach 100kmdeep). Quang proposed that a comprehensive system be built to control saltwaterintrusion and flood impact from the sea.
Dr. Truong Thanh Canh, lecturer at the University of Natural Sciences in HCMCity, said it was important for the Mekong Delta to restore wetlands. “Weshould choose crops or new production models that need less water to save it.”
He recommended that the region develop a strategic plan that will give priorityto more practical solutions instead of trying to change external factors suchas those in the upstream area.
Provinces in the region should stay updated on hydro-meteorological forecastsand take proactive measures to prevent droughts and saline intrusion.
“We need a comprehensive solution suitable to the natural, geological andhydrological conditions of our country to save water resources,” he said.
The Mekong Delta is a key economic region covering 40,000sq.km, and is home tosome 18 million people.
Water resources sustain the lives of the people and the ecosystem in theregion. Agriculture and aquaculture are key economic sectors in the region, ofwhich water is essential, according to the Institute of Environment and NaturalResources./.