It saidthat to implement the common perceptions between the two countries’ leaders asidentified in the 2022 joint statement on continuing to enhance the comprehensivestrategic cooperative partnership, the MARD sent a delegation to work with theadministrations and customs departments of the Chinese provinces of Guangxi andYunnan from May 29 to June 2, aiming to promote cooperation and increase the valueof agricultural products traded via the two countries’ provinces sharing theland border.
The Vietnamese delegation and the customs departments ofGuangxi and Yunnan agreed to coordinate with each other to propose China Customssoon finalise procedures for signing a protocol with the MARD on food safety,quarantine, and examination requirements for aquatic exports and importsbetween the two countries.
The MARD suggested China Customs permit more fruits, aquatic species and products ofVietnam to enter this country, license more Vietnamese aquatic product exportersthat meet China Customs’ standards as confirmed by Vietnamese authorities, and allowraw aquatic products to be exported via border gates of Yunnan to ease customsclearance pressure on border gates and create the best possible conditions forbusinesses.
It also proposed China Customs order the customs departmentsof Guangxi and Yunnan increase the sharing of information about customsclearance procedures, tackle bottlenecks in a timely manner to improve thecustoms clearance capacity, hold rotary annual meetings in Novemberbetween the Chinese provinces’ customs departments and relevant agencies ofVietnam, and assign units to act as liaison bodies./.