The map was developed on the basis of a book about President Ho Chi Minh titled “Hanh trinh theo chan Bac” by TranDuc Tuan, which was also re-published on this occasion.
The map is 100x70cm in size, geographically detailing Uncle Ho's journeyand historical landmarks during his trip, as well as the President’s revolutionaryactivities from June 5, 1911 to January 28, 1941.
It helps viewers easily visualise, track and look up information about UncleHo's journey in connection with the geopolitical context at present.
In early May, a new book about President HoChi Minh compiled by Assoc. Prof. Dr Bui Dinh Phong, a lecturer at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, came to the public, highlighting President Ho ChiMinh’s revolutionary career, the close-knit relationship between his aspirationand content of documents adopted in the 13th National Congress of the CommunistParty of Vietnam.
President HoChi Minh has become a great source of inspiration for not onlyVietnamese authors and artists, but also their foreign counterparts./.