KualaLumpur (VNA) – The police of Malaysia and Singapore have arrested34 suspects involved in the “African Scam” case with 21.6 million MYR (aboutfive million USD) in Singapore and five states of Malaysia.
Thesuspects were captured in the states of Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Penang,Malacca and Sarawak of Malaysia and in Singapore after a combined operationbetween the two countries’ police from February 6 to 10.
Speakingat a press conference held on February 13, Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani, Director ofthe Commercial Crime Investigation Department of Malaysian police, said thatthe suspects include 13 Africans, 13 Malaysian women, seven Singaporeans andone Indonesian woman, aged from 22 to 67.
He addedthat the suspects contacted the victims through social networks like Facebookand Instagram to deceive them, disguised as students of private universities orpublic servants.-VNA