According to the office, this was contributed by the wholesale andretail trade, food and beverages and accommodation segment which saw revenuewent up 26.1% y-o-y to 409.3 billion MYR while the information andcommunication and transportation and storage segment revenue edged up 21.3% to 72.2billion MYR.
The health, education and arts, entertainment and recreationsegment revenue grew 24.4% to 15.1 billion MYR and professional and real estateagent segment revenue went up 20% to 9.9 billion MYR.
On a quarterly basis, the total revenue of the servicessector grew 7.1% or 33.8 billion MYR.
The total number of persons engaged in the sector rose 4.9%or 177,600 persons to 3.8 million persons as compared with the correspondingperiod of the previous year.
DoSM said salaries and wages paid in Q2 2022 grew by 9.3% or2.2 billion MYR as compared with the same quarter a year ago and increased 1.7%compared with Q1 2022 to reach 25.8 billion MYR.
In a separate statement, DoSM said the volume index of theservices sector expanded by 16.7% to 136.3 points in Q2 2022 as compared to116.8 points in Q2 2021.
It said the increase was driven by the positive growth ofall four segments, namely wholesale and retail trade, food and beverages andaccommodation (22.3%), business services and finance (7.7%), information andcommunication and transportation and storage (16.4%), and other services (18.6%)./.